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Tuesday 7 August 2012

Bounty Hounds Online

Bounty Hounds is a 3D sci-fi RPG that allows players to become heroes and protect their home world Clear Sky against aliens. The smooth and intuitive combat system allows players to use both melee and ranged weapons. The system allows it for weapons to switch automatically depending on the distance to your target. This allows you to move around efficiently.


Shock Trooper:

“The Shock Trooper is a heavily armoured melee combat class known for his charges at the speed of light. Channelling magneto-optical fields will grant you sources of photonic power and defensive shields. As a Shock Trooper your primary weapon is the greatsword. Your secondary weapon is a heavy machine gun which can tear through your enemies from a distance. On the battlefield, the Shock Trooper is the indispensible offensive force who bravely fights the enemy face to face.”


“Agents are ruthless mercenaries utilising the powers of darkness. Their strength is to dodge incoming attacks and counter their targets with critical hits. As an Agent you can shoot your enemies with a precise sniping rifle to lure them into melee range where you can show your expertise and slash them with your circleblades. The Agent is a very agile class that fights the enemy with the dark art of war.”


“On the battlefield, the Engineer is a highly acclaimed supporter. Not only do Engineers provide reliable micromachinery, they are also capable of curing fellow mercenaries due to their extraordinary medical education. As an Engineer you generally keep your distance to the enemies and can cause a lot of damage using an accurate crossbow, but you can also use sharpened dual blades in close combat if needed. The Engineer is an irreplaceable asset for every mission.”

Chemical Brawler:

“The Brawler is the tough tank class in Bounty Hounds Online. Brawlers are capable of dealing with multiple opponents and taking a lot of damage by using their powers of frost and their field control skills. They are equipped with a shotgun and their trademark weapons, the cestus, mechanically enforced fist weapons in the form of claws, drills or other solid tools. On the battlefield, Brawlers are in charge of keeping your enemies in check, and they do so with a vengeance.”

Heavy Gunner:

“The Heavy Gunner is a very powerful ranged combat class known for their vast explosions. As a Heavy Gunner your primary weapon is the bazooka - a deadly threat from a distance. Your secondary weapon is a twin glaive to protect you in close combat. On the battlefield, the Heavy Gunner is one of the most powerful allies blowing up enemies from a distance.”

For more information about classes and their statistics click here.

One of the features that makes it more interesting is the CTU (Combat & Tactical Unit). CTU's are transformable robot pets. Once you own one, you'll have a fearless companion which will help you survive, they will also level up and become more powerful. CTU's can be of more types: aggressive (damage dealers), defensive protectors and intelligent supporters.They recharge energy in combat and once the pet has fully recharged, it can temporarily transform into an effective war machine.

You can find more information about the game and how to play it on the official website and the game can be downloaded from the same page.


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Author: SerruM
I believe that most things exist. If not, I'll simply make them exist...