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Sunday 12 August 2012


Rift is a fantasy-themed MMORPG offered by Trion Worlds. It takes place in a mystical world known as Telara.


“Rift is a MMORPG set in a fantasy world called Telara, which is the focal point of several different elemental Planes. These Planes are realities representing the elemental forces of Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Life, and Death, and it is at the one point where every one of these Planes intersect with each other that Telara exists. Each Plane is governed by a Dragon-deity, which is the personification of that elemental force. Through the actions of the Dragon of Extinction, Regulos, the various Dragons have united in an alliance known as the Blood Storm, for the purpose of invading Telara and gaining use of the intersection of all of their realms. In the past, the Blood Storm was defeated by the inhabitants of Telara with the help of the Vigil, the most powerful of the native gods of Telara.”

“The Guardians piously follow the religion of the Vigil, the supreme gods of Telara. They include the high elves, the Mathosians (a warlike culture of humans from the north), and dwarves. Ascended Guardians were resurrected by the Vigil after dying at the hands of Regulos during its return to Telara. Guardians fight and die against one of Regulos' commanders, only to be brought back at the beginning of Rift.”

“The Defiant are those who, for cultural, historic, or personal reasons, do not follow the religion of the Vigil and have put their trust in science and technology as a way to conquer the forces of Regulos. They include the Eth (a highly advanced human culture from the south), the Bahmi (descendants of interbreeding between Air spirits and humans), and the Kelari (animistic, cabalistic dark elves). Ascended Defiant were resurrected through technology based on the study of the soul-structure of Ascended Guardians in an apocalyptic future in which Telara has nearly been consumed by Regulos. At the beginning of the game, players of Defiant are sent back in time from this point to the beginning of Rift, allowing them to fight at an opportune moment in Telara's timeline, to overthrow the religion of the Vigil and defeat Regulos.”

There are 4 classes that can be played in Rift: Warrior, Cleric, Mage and Rogue. "Each class starts with access to eight different 'souls' from that calling, which have trees to which they can allocate a number of points gained each level. Rift's soul trees have two levels: branches, which are the specific abilities/bonuses that the player allocates the points to, and roots, which are the soul's base abilities that are unlocked as the player allocates a certain number of points into the branches. All races may become all classes."

Same as in WOW, Rift uses colours for the weapons' rarity, so they can be common, rare, legendary etc. Besides some things which are obviously different, the game seems to be copying some ideas from other games, such as Skill Tree, barbershop etc.

When the game release was announced everyone was really excited and was hoping to try it, even if it was p2p, however the game wasn't a big success as everyone expected due to the fact that it was more or less a copy...

I personally don't like the game graphics and the storyline, however others might not have the same opinion as me so I suggest playing the game or watching some videos...

Rift Planes of Telara Enter the Rift Trailer[HD] by Machinima

If you want to know more or try the game, click here.


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Author: SerruM
I believe that most things exist. If not, I'll simply make them exist...