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Wednesday 1 August 2012

Forsaken World

Forsaken World is a 3D MMORPG developed by Perfect World Beijing. It is heavily based on world mythology, and is set in the mythical world of Eyrda (Grando Mundo in China).

Races and Classes:

The Mortals
“A mortal’s ability to adapt, potential to learn and charisma have led this race to assume a leadership position amongst all races of Eyrda. After Shyntola was broken, mortals sailed to Ousta with the other races. They are especially close to the Dwarves.”

Class Options: Warrior, Assassin, Mage and Priest.

The Kindred
“The Kindred have been extraordinary since the first born; they were created out of love. The most beautiful lady in Eyrda, the demi-goddess, Shylia, and the noble mortal, Herghevid, were the perfect couple. However, they were constantly tortured by time. When Herghevid was old and facing death, Shylia found a way for them to live together forever; the Mythic Embrace. She poured her blood, which contained the essence of life, into Herghevid’s body, thereby giving him immortality. Their offspring propagated the land with Kindred.”

Class Options: Vampire, Assassin, Mage.

The Elves
“Elves are the most beautiful race in the world of Eyrda. They are nature's darlings and live deep in the forests filled with majestic trees and clear spring water. Servants of the goddes Illyfue, they inherited Illyfue's lordly manner and therefore look down upon the races who they find lacking in beauty, especially the muscular Dwarves. In the war of resistance, Elves and Stonemen formed the Union of the Woods, supported each other, and became close battle companions.”

Class Options: Warrior, Bard, Priest.

“In the world of Eyrda, Stonemen are the strongest and bravest race.
Stonemen are a fearless race, proud of their strong bodies and tough skin. Whenever war breaks out, Stonemen always rush to the front lines. Their giant bodies reassure their allies and raise the morale of any army they fight with. Stonemen are not only natural born warriors but they are also good at smithing, especially casting weapons. Powerful arms are the best tools a smith could ask for.”

Class Option: Protector.

The Dwarves
“Dwarves are the oldest race of Eryda and they also are the most technologically advanced. They are short, have tough, thick skin, and are full of stamina. Wielding deft hands and excellent wisdom, digging and smithing are their strong points. Inventions of all kinds, especially the fine machines, are their best tools.”

Class Option: Marksman.

You can read more about classes and races here.

Forsaken World is really similar to most of the games Perfect World has to offer. They offer a great range of colors and styles to customize your character and select the zodiac sign but this seems repetitive meaning that it still targets its current players. Because the game map is really big they use a path-finding tool, so you only have to click on the name of the object or NPC and it takes you to that particular place.

The more you stay online the higher the chance for you to earn more items from your zodiacal sign, which appears at the top of the screen and shines when you're able to use it.

The game does not have great graphics but it does offer a fast-paced gameplay which makes it enjoyable and entertaining.

Funny in-game screenshots: 

this gives a new meaning to "when pigs fly..."

Super Saiyan Stoneman? Close enough...
The game can be downloaded from the official website.


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Author: SerruM
I believe that most things exist. If not, I'll simply make them exist...