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Friday 3 August 2012

Alliance of the Valiant Arms

AVA is a free-to-play MMOFPS, developed by Red Duck Inc and uses Unreal Engine 3. It was provided by ijji for the North American and Europe server until recently they transferred the databases to Aeria Games.


“Players will join either the EU forces or NRF forces and attempt to complete their mission objective or eliminate the opposing team. There are 3 classes available in A.V.A, point man, rifleman, and sniper. A point man enjoys a quicker reload time and faster move speed, while a rifleman gains more ammo and the ability to hold more, along with heavier armour, and a sniper is allowed to use a sniper rifle and can fire shots that kill multiple targets. Each has their own advantage and disadvantage against other classes. Players are able to choose which class to play next during the game and also acquire Class Skills to further enhance unique characteristics of each class.”

Some of the most played modes in AVA are:

Annihilation - Players will be pit against each other in two teams that will attempt to reach a pre-set score, similarly to Team Deathmatch. Alternatively, the team with the highest score once the time runs out will win.

Domination - Both teams compete for domination over a target. The team with higher domination gauge or the one in control of the target when both sides have the same gauge will win.

Escort - The EU forces must escort a tank past enemy lines and repair it if struck down, while the NRF forces will be tasked with preventing this, usually by constantly taking the tank down with a RPG.

Free For All - Players are pit against each-other. The match ends when one player reaches the pre-set score or time runs out in which the player with the highest score wins.
For more info about modes, click here.

There are also CO-OP missions available for players to try out, these can be played alone or in teams of 4.

The game can be downloaded from the official website.


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Author: SerruM
I believe that most things exist. If not, I'll simply make them exist...