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Friday 27 July 2012


What is Borderlands?

Borderlands is a first-person role-playing shooter which allows players to participate in 4 man co-op missions in order to destroy creatures, psychos and stop the evil mastermind, Handsome Jack.


“Borderlands follows the story of four new Vault Hunters as they fight to free Pandora from the clutches of Handsome Jack, the brilliant, charismatic, and utterly despicable CEO of the Hyperion Corporation.

Players will fight across the whole of Pandora to stop Jack from awakening an ancient alien evil known only as "the Warrior." Their quest will bring them into contact with some familiar faces from the old game – most notably, the original four Vault Hunters: Roland, Lilith, Brick and Mordecai. They, along with some brand new characters, will help players defeat Jack, destroy the Warrior, and save Pandora.”


BL2 offers the chance to play with your friends as long as you have a GameSpy account. If you don’t have one then that won’t be a problem as the game itself allows you to create an account and connect with your buddies in a few seconds.

The land of Pandora has to offer a lot of weapons for everyone to use, from normal weapons/shields/grenades to extra-terrestrial artifacts and many more.
Explore and conquer the new environments within Pandora and face new enemies controlled by “Handsome Jack”.

More features on the Official Webpage.


BL has great animated graphics and an easy to use menu. If you are not sure you can make it in the online gameplay, you can simply try the single player feature.

Online gaming with friends covers the same quest tutorial; however playing with others makes it more enjoyable. Also a friendly little robot will be there to help your 4-man team.

If you’re already used to FPS games, this one will be more of a challenge due to the fact that you have big recoil on the beginning weapons, which makes it more enjoyable and entertaining. Attention is also required in order for you to spot all the enemies and not die in an instant.


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Author: SerruM
I believe that most things exist. If not, I'll simply make them exist...