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Tuesday 21 August 2012

Lineage II

Lineage 2 is a MMORPG developed and published by NCsoft and uses Unreal Engine 2.5.

Basic Gameplay

“To begin playing Lineage II, players create a character as their avatar in the game's medieval-style virtual world. All the races start off at Talking Island. Players can choose from either fighter or mystic professions at the start, except for Dwarves and Kamael which are only able to select the fighter profession; this choice acts as an archetype for later profession options. Each race has its own set of classes, even if humans, elves and dark elves have a lot of classes that are very similar to their counterparts in the other two races.

As players kill non-player character (NPC) monsters, they accumulate experience points and skill points (SP). As experience points accumulate, the character's level increases, meaning various attributes of the character are augmented. Players purchase and then upgrade their character's skills using SP. Players can play alone or as part of a group to fight monsters and complete quests for new skills, experience points, and items. Player versus player (PvP) is a significant portion of the game.

To make sure PvP stays under control, the design includes a Karma system that provides negative consequences for killing other players when they are not fighting back. When being in a chaotic state (karma number higher than zero) with a PK count of 5 or more, players have a high probability of dropping items after being killed.”

Classes and subclasses

“There is currently a large number of classes (36) for all races combined. Each race and subsequent class has a set amount of Stat Points already assigned to their class.

Upon completing the quests after reaching level 75, a player may add subclass to their character. This subclass starts at level 40. Limitations are put in place on which subclass one can choose (e.g. Dark Elves may not choose Elf subclasses. In addition, a player may not choose a class that matches their main class (a Dark Avenger may not become a Paladin, likewise a Treasure Hunter may not become a Plains Walker). Once a subclass has reached level 75, players may choose another. A character may hold a total of three subclasses in addition to their main class.”


I personally, did not enjoy playing this game.


The game seems to have dated graphics, gameplay is to dull and the lag is really annoying no to mention that most of the movement is done by mouse clicking...

There are of course players that enjoy playing the game because they used to play the first one, time ago and are familiar with most of the stuff that the game has to offer...however if you want to give it a try, it's up to you.

Lineage 2 Gameplay by thequestmakers

If you want to create an account and play the game, click here.


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Author: SerruM
I believe that most things exist. If not, I'll simply make them exist...