Heroes of Newerth
HoN is an action real-time strategy video game developed by
S2 Games. The game was inspired by the Warcraft III: Frozen Throne custom map
Defense of the Ancients (DotA). The game was released on May 2010 and as free-to-play on July 2011.
Recently S2 Games decided to make available all the heroes so
that players can enjoy playing their favourite ones without having to wait for a new patch or until they have enough coins to buy
it. However this is unfair for some of the HoN players due to the fact that they
have paid for the game since it was released.
“Heroes of Newerth
puts two teams of players against each other: the Legion and the Hellbourne. Both
teams are based at opposite sides of a map. The standard map is split into
three continuous 'lanes', running from one base to the other. Defensive towers
are positioned evenly through each lane, until the lanes terminate at a team's
base. Bases are strongly defended with extra defensive towers, and buildings
from which units spawn. These units, termed 'creeps' are spawned every thirty seconds
and run along their lane until they meet opposition - which they then attack.
Victory is achieved when one of the teams manages to push into the base of the
opposing team, and destroys their primary structure. One team can choose to
concede after certain time periods.
Players control a
single hero from a top-down perspective, while common features of real time
strategy games such as base management and resource collection are removed. Every hero has four abilities that may be acquired and upgraded as the hero
gains experience and levels up. Experience is gained for being within the range
of enemy units when they are killed. The maximum level a hero may achieve is 25
and the experience required per level gain increases with each new level. The
player obtains gold though periodic income and combat experience, which is used
for buying items that increase the power of his or her character. The game ends
when the opposing team's main structure is destroyed.”
This is very similar to DotA, however S2 Games did not stop
here and continued adding more features/maps to the game. At the moment the
game has 2 more maps:
Grimm’s Crossing: which is mainly a map designed for a 3v3
team fight.
Mid Wars: a map designed for players who enjoy playing with
their team all the time and encountering the opposite team more frequently.
HoN has at the moment 108 heroes and more to be released.
Also the HoN Store contains many avatars and other items which can be used for a
more enjoyable gameplay and not to give the user an advantage.

If you tend to play a hero more frequently than others, you can also use a guide, not for helping you understand the hero if you already play it but for the fact that you have your main items set up and can easily be bought while playing.
S2 Games allows its players to win experience and coins each time they finish a game and they are rated and statistics are kept on the players' profile for others to see how well they can play.
There are 2 types of Coins for players to use at the store. First are the Gold Coins which players can buy with real money and there are the Silver Coins which they can earn by leveling up or playing games, however as expected, to buy other things from the Store you will need a lot more Silver Coins than Gold ones.
Heroes of Newerth can be downloaded from the official website.

If you tend to play a hero more frequently than others, you can also use a guide, not for helping you understand the hero if you already play it but for the fact that you have your main items set up and can easily be bought while playing.
S2 Games allows its players to win experience and coins each time they finish a game and they are rated and statistics are kept on the players' profile for others to see how well they can play.
There are 2 types of Coins for players to use at the store. First are the Gold Coins which players can buy with real money and there are the Silver Coins which they can earn by leveling up or playing games, however as expected, to buy other things from the Store you will need a lot more Silver Coins than Gold ones.
Heroes of Newerth can be downloaded from the official website.