Dota 2
What is Dota 2? (Massively Multiplayer Online Real-Time Strategy)
The simple DotA which most of us still know/play today, was
a game mod created by Icefrog for Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and the Frozen
Throne. Valve hired Icefrog in 2009 in order to create Defense of the Ancients
2 and also keep most of the content similar so that players which have played it
before will be familiar with the new design brought forward by Valve’s Source
The gameplay consists of two teams battling each other to take
over the ancient which the other has to defend at the same time. The two teams
known as The Radiant and The Dire, both consist of 5 players, each controlling
his unique hero in that particular game.
At the start of every game players select heroes from a pool
of 87 (made up from 26 Streght, 27 Agility and 34 Intellect ) heroes, more to
be added along the way. Depending on what spells the heroes have and gain with
each level up to 16 (max 25) players will get assigned different roles to play:
Tank (mainly a strenght hero), Carry (mainly agility), Support(Mainly
Intelligence), Disabler(Any type as long as it has hex/stun) etc.
Extra features:
As it was expected with such a big client (aprox. 3GB), more
features have been implemented to create a rather new experience for players,
such as:

In-game – all the heroes have unique voices and may be heard
by other players if they score a point (killing one of the other players), they
can also respond depending on what you type E.g. lol, rofl -> the hero will
laugh ( 2 different ways) ty,tnx -> the hero will say “Thank you!” (own
voice and character) etc.
Settings: players can set up their own keys to use hero
spells as well as bag items.
and many more...
The game is in BETA since late 2011 and will be released in
2012 (no specific date) . If you want to try out the game you can buy it from
the official Dota 2 Store or win a BETA key from other websites.